LEE Filters 402 Soft Frost ROLE

Kód: 153402
Značka: LEE Filters
2 140,01 Kč / ks 1 768,60 Kč bez DPH
Není skladem

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

pouze role 6,10 x 1,52m
A strong diffuser that creates a wide field of soft illumination. Diffusion characteristics similar to 216, falls between 216 and 129. Advantages of this material are the large roll width; lack of noise when handled or used in windy conditions; waterproof for use outdoors; can be sewn or grommetted together for use on large frames; flame retardant.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: ROLE filtry (122x762 cm)
Záruka: 24
Hmotnost: 1.15 kg

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